What's Scarier than Ghosts & Goblins?

Is Type 2 Diabetes Scary Enough?

It’s October, and you know what that means:  sugar, sugar, sugar!  Beginning in late summer, stores begin taunting and tantalizing us with prominently displayed festive treats conveniently packaged in small, easy to eat servings.  By the time the actual holiday rolls around, we’ve been wading through candy corn and “fun sized” candy bars for months.

All holidays have their peculiar food traditions, but Halloween perhaps wins the prize for being the most focused on candy and other sweet treats as the center of attraction. And no matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will undoubtedly find yourself staring down a confection before all is said and done.

Will you give in?  

While one piece of candy won’t make or break your health, few of us stop at just one.  In fact, most of us see Halloween as we see every other festive occasion from Thanksgiving to our neighbor’s cookout:  as a perfectly good time to indulge in whichever kind of sweet temptations are presented to us.

But that indulgence takes its toll and is manifesting itself more and more in the current epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes. Our waist lines start to expand and our A1C starts to creep up without us even knowing. It is called an epidemic because of the shocking increase in new cases of diabetes. Less than 5% of the population had diabetes in 1990.  That figure is now up to 7%:  a 40% increase.  

Every 21 seconds someone is diagnosed with diabetes. 

What is diabetes?

Much of the food that you eat is turned into glucose for your body to use as energy.  After a meal, your pancreas produces the hormone insulin which helps the glucose, or sugar, move from your bloodstream into the cells in your body where it can be used for energy.

When you have diabetes, your body either does not make enough insulin or it cannot use the insulin that it produces.  The result is a buildup of glucose or sugar in the bloodstream.

High levels of blood sugar cause extensive damage in the body such as heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, numbness of the feet and lower extremities, and even amputations. Adults with diabetes are twice as likely to die early as those without diabetes.

What’s the connection?

The connection between Halloween and Type 2 diabetes is simple: the more sugar you eat, the harder your pancreas has to work to produce insulin and keep your blood sugar within a safe range.  

But the cells in your pancreas that produce insulin are the only cells in your body that actually wear out from use.  If you overwork them, they will eventually cease to perform in a way that can keep up with the demand.  

Your body can also become resistant to the insulin that your pancreas produces.  The more resistant your cells become to insulin, the more your pancreas has to make in order to have an effect.

When these situations develop, you have Type 2 diabetes.


The good news is that Type 2 diabetes is completely preventable.  By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you will never have to experience this disease. And if you already have Type 2 diabetes, you can do much to control it naturally.

The best strategy is to keep your weight within normal range, eat a healthy diet full of whole foods and very little sugar, and exercise at least 30 -60 minutes, 5-7 days per week.  

These simple lifestyle changes are the enemies of Type 2 diabetes.

This Halloween, choose future health over present pleasure. Enjoy one or two treats, and then stop. It’s not worth the price you will pay later.





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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 


1. Let's Talk About Your Goals.


Most gyms want you to simply adapt to their program, but I want to help you achieve your goal is the best possible way for you.


If you'd like to get on a personal call and discuss what you'd like to achieve and get my help in developing a plan to get you there, I'm happy to get on a free coaching call to help.


Just reply with 'Call' in the subject line and we'll get it set up.


2. Train With Me...For FREE.


If you'd like to come in for a free training session...1 on 1 or group...I'd love to have you in as my guest. Training somewhere new can be out of someone's comfort zone, so I want to make it as easy as possible for you to see if this is the best place for you to reach your goals.


Just reply with 'Train' in the subject line and we'll figure out what type of session you'd enjoy most and when coming in would be convenient for you.


3. Try My '28 Days To Look & Feel Great' Program.


I'm going to be taking a few new clients through a 28 day program to help them look and feel great as they get back into a routine this Fall.


If you'd be interested in learning more, reply and put '28' in the subject line.






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