Testimonial from a Former D1 Athlete turned Business Professional.

“I am a former athlete that moved on from college into the business world. As my responsibility grew and I started traveling more my diet and exercise routine worsened and old injuries kept me out of the gym. I hit my breaking point when an IT band injury sidelined me from all activities for about 7 months. After recovery I contacted Aaron and it is the best decision I have made. Aaron listened to my background, injury history and fitness goals and has created a workout regime specific to me. I've been working with Aaron for 5 months and went from doing nothing to benching 255, squating 265, and have lost 3-4 inches on my waist. Most importantly I have stayed injury free, and my body does not ache of old injuries each morning I wake up. Aaron is a fantastic trainer and has become a friend as well. I recommend Aaron and The Next Level with no hesitation.”- Dax Powers-

Next Door Page: https://nextdoor.com/pages/the-next-level-personal-training-brentwood-tn/recommend/

FacebookPage: https://www.facebook.com/thepremierperformance/

TwitterPage: https://twitter.com/thepremierpt

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepremierpt/




P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success: 


2. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session


We'll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put "Success" in the subject line.

3. Come in for a free training session. 


If you'd like to come in to attend a 'Bring a Friend' training session as my guest...just reply and put "Guest" in the subject line, and I'll get you all the details!


4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


The call is just 15 minutes out of your week, but the insights you’ll discover could impact you for a lifetime! To schedule your FREE consultation, reply and put 'Call' in the subject line.




NFL Combine Experience


Testimonial from a former NFL Athlete and Next Level Client