Week 1 of Occupational Therapy

I’ve always been on the other end of therapy. I have always been the one administrating and showing exercising and not the one performing them. So, even though this was something new I was up for the challenge.

Yes, it was a bit of a struggle because of the swelling and bruising that was going on. The pain was somewhat tolerable even though I was only 2 days post recovery, but they didn’t waste any time cutting away the bracing and bandages. It was basically removal and then right into some heat to help loosen everything up.

If you can imagine 3 small incisions- 2 on the outside of the elbow and the 3rd one on my triceps. They had to go though the triceps to the remove the biggest of the 3, which was about 2cm long. Imagine a piece of elbow macaroni lodged in your elbow and then it will be removed. Pretty crazy, Right? It hurt like crazy the first week and there is a ton a scar tissue build up that was causing a bit of discomfort.

Im not sure how to really explain how it feels, but lets just say that you were compensating with your left arm for the last 5 years and now it is back to normal things are a bit out of whack!! Really out of whack.

Neck hurts, shoulder hurts, and scapula is super tight!! But life goes on.

You never know how your clients feel, until you are in their shoes.

Week one was a struggle, but I had plenty of stretches and exercises to do. The main thing was to do what I was told and not what I wanted to do. Its a tough spot to be in, but progress is being made.

Stay tuned for Week 2 Update…..

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success: 


2. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session


We'll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put "Success" in the subject line.

3. Come in for a free training session. 


If you'd like to come in to attend a 'Bring a Friend' training session as my guest...just reply and put "Guest" in the subject line, and I'll get you all the details!


4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


The call is just 15 minutes out of your week, but the insights you’ll discover could impact you for a lifetime! To schedule your FREE consultation, reply and put 'Call' in the subject line.


Week 2 of OT


What its like to experience a joint surgery for the 1st time!