Week 2 was nothing short of probably being painful. Things are starting to work a bit more, so in turn I have been trying to limit my activity. Its tough when I have to lift things on a daily basis day in and day out. We started out with some heat, to try and loosen up my forearm and biceps for about 10 minutes.

We proceeded to use the arm bike for around 5 minutes as well. It was a 2:30min moving the handles forward and 2:30min going backwards to get my shoulders moving again.

Jenna handed me a kid size soccer ball which had some give to it. We worked on some shoulder isometric exercises to try and get everything firing again. It wasnt as easy as I thought it should be, but I got it in.

By making a fist, I was facing forward with my elbow at 90 degrees and slowly started to press into the ball for a 5 count. I then repeated that for 5 reps. Started out strong then I got a bit shaky. Fatigue after 5 reps? Yep!!

It was all due to my entire left arm being out of whack. Trying to get stronger is going to be a process that can’t be rushed.

The second exercise was more or less the reverse of the fist press. I put the ball against the wall and used my elbow to contract and squeeze for a 5 count for 5 reps as well.

The final 2 exercises were and internal and external isometric press for 5 count x 5 reps. Nothing better than feeling super weak with some body weight exercises.

After the completion of all of these, my OT proceeded to do some soft tissue work to try and break up the scar tissue around my triceps. It was a bit uncomfortable, but it was because there was a huge knot from the incision. Not cool. After it was worked out, it did start to feel better.

Last but not least I worked on a very light, but difficult triceps extension. I used a measly 2lb weight. Let me tell you, it WAS NOT EASY. By rep 3 my arm and hand were shaking so bad.

All in part to the disfunction that had happened during the previous 5 years of putting off the surgery. This isn’t very fun, but I know if I put in the work now I will be able to do the things I haven’t been able to do previously.

Its just like I tell my clients, “ Slow and Steady wins the race.” Don’t rush it because at the end of the day if you do what is asked, things will start to come together.

Friday started was no different for therapy. I had been experiencing a bit of discomfort to say the least, but I think we narrowed it down to a little bit of irritation of the nerve. It wasn’t super painful, but I knew it was not normal. It happened in spurts when I would be on the floor helping or spotting someone. Uncomfortable enough to mention it to the OT. She ended up giving me some exercises that were helpful as well.

So, Friday was the day I got this cool awesome brace to help with my flexion and extension as well. Well, it wasn’t as cool as I had once hoped for. It was by far one of the biggest most crazy looking things. I could have possibly used this as a weapon at some point in time. It will be helping me create more range of motion in the weeks to come. Its huge and weighs what feels like 10lbs, but it gets the job done.

So, you might be asking yourself, Why is he sharing his experience with us and what does this have to do with anything.?

Well, its because I work with a ton of Orthopedic injuries on a dally basis and I have to modify and adjust workout accordingly to how my clients feel. I know have an experience I can share and know how and when a client might have been dealing with a the same relatable injury how my training approach will help.

Im not all about have super young already fit clients. I like to help people put in the work to get out their current situation, so they can feel better, look better, and be awesome.

Stay tuned for Week 3 Update…….

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success: 


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4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


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Almond Flax Crusted-Chicken


Week 1 of Occupational Therapy